Course Descriptions
REA 100 - Reading and Thinking in the Disciplines
3 Credits
This course is designed specifically to meet the reading and thinking needs in a particular discipline. Learning strategies will focus on skills necessary for success in the content course, such as note-taking, graphic or visual materials, and/or laboratory preparation and application. Likewise, critical and active reading performance will focus on the needs of the discipline: understanding and evaluating scholarly research, discipline-based vocabulary, textbook management, reading flexibility, and other higher-level thinking appropriate to the discipline.
This course is intended to be taken in conjunction with another course in a different discipline. Please see master schedule for offerings. May not be repeated for credit.
MCC General Education: MCC-IL - Information Literacy (MIL)
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Apply the reading process to texts in the content course.
2. Articulate comprehension of college texts.
3. Formulate appropriate inferences while reading college-level text.
4. Apply vocabulary strategies in the content course.
5. Employ reading strategies, such as note-taking, annotating, paraphrasing, and other skills, appropriate to content course.
6. Connect texts to broader themes of the discipline.
7. Apply various read-study systems, such as SQ3R, in the content area.
8. Illustrate ability to transfer reading skills to other disciplines.
9. Employ metacognitive strategies.
Course Offered Fall, Spring
Use links below to see if this course is offered:
Fall Semester 2025
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025